Is it really the right time to implement GPT into your business? And where exactly could it help? If you don’t know where to start, we are here to show you a simple guide which will help you find strength in the force. The good side of the force!

First, know your customers
We can’t stress this enough. The undeniable truth is that high-quality customer insights rule the game of customer experience. So, if anything, you should keep an eye on that price.
73 % of customers now say that the customer experience is the number one thing they consider when deciding whether to purchase from a company.
And you can’t really improve the experience of your customers without knowing their exact pain points. But how to identify them?
To give you a concrete example, our Born Digital platform is a powerful tool for customer data analytics using artificial intelligence to process and qualify customer data (from across all your platforms). The results already are remarkable. But when you combine it with the GPT integration — that’s where the fun begins!

Let the force (read data) guide you
The latest technology gives you actionable insights that can help you build a deeper understanding of your customer needs.
Firstly, it can extract the data from the interactions with your customers — in a super fast way and in a super high quality. It doesn’t matter whether your customers write you on WhatsApp, Instagram, via e-mail or call you via phone.
You immediately see the main keywords, interaction topics and a short summary of any of those interactions. You also see how your customers feel about the interaction with your company — whether they are frustrated or grateful and how this feeling evolves during the conversation. GPT integration also proved to be a powerful tool when analyzing the performance of your agents.

On top of that, you then see all those interactions analyzed within a clear dashboard — including categories where your customers experience the most issues and you can immediately act upon that. You simply use these data as powerful guidance for the continuous improvement of customer experience.
According to Gartner, 80 per cent of organizations expect to compete mainly based on customer experience. So you better make sure you’re not late for that party! GPT is making customer insights as powerful as ever before.
Can GPT answer customers’ requests?
Of course, it can. We talk more about it in this article about the power of GPT in interactions with customers. However, we always say that the prevention part should come before the automation — it allows you to make data-driven decisions, avoid costly mistakes and gain an edge over your competition.
If you wanna learn more and try the magic of GPT-powered analytics with your customers’ data, book a demo here! Until then — may the force be with you.